Embrace It

The concept of religion is a rather sensitive matter. It holds immense power over many people, how they see the world and how they are seen by the world. Religion can separate or bring people together, especially when it comes down to morals and belief. Persons should not be divided based on their beliefs. "Scholars distinguish seven aspects of religious traditions: the doctrinal and philosophical, the mythic and narrative, the ethical and legal, the ritual and practical, the experiential and emotional, the social and organizational, and the material and artistic. (Smart 1996) Religious traditions differ along all these dimensions. These are the undisputed facts of religious diversity," stated the  

Religion divides us, while it is our human characteristics that binds us to each other. - Hermann Bondi

Religion should not be a rational reason to dislike someone, for we ourselves don't undoubtedly know if our very own religion is true; we have faith and so do others. Why must we try to strip others of their faith and cling to our own? There are numerous religions and no one knows exactly which one is the 'right' one, none of them may be 'right' but all ring with a little truth. There is the possibility that they are all just fragments of a bigger picture. 

Belief is a wonderful way to pass the time until the facts come in.- Carl R White

There have been about one hundred and twenty-three religious-based wars worldwide, but why must we fight? Must we really kill our brothers and sisters? Must we paint the earth in the blood our religion says not to spill? Is spilling blood not sinful but believing in something else is? Exodus 20:13King James Version (KJV), "Thou shalt not kill."

God has no religion. - Mahatma Gandhi 

"One of the main obstacles of religious acceptance is the amount of ignorance in this country," expressed Kate McCarthy, associate professor of religious studies at Chico State. The mentality of humans has been set in such a way that the slightest situation that does not sync with their understanding is deemed as 'wrong'. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being serious with you religious beliefs, but if it separates you it is no longer doing its duty. Religion was meant to unite people of similar beliefs and values, not to divide us based on these principles. 

Something cannot be preached on Sunday only to be forgotten on Monday. Practice what you preach, life by your book of scriptures. 


Image 1. Lift Up Your Hearts in Praise. Retrieved from Google Images.

Image 2. Buddha was not a Buddhist. Jesus was not a Christian. Muhammad was not a Muslim. They were teachers who taught love. Love was their religion. Retrieved from Google Images.

Tuggy, D. Theories of Religious Diversity. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. NY: State University. Retrieved from internet: http://www.iep.utm.edu/reli-div/               

Tavolazzi, C. (2012). Students Embrace Tolerance, Promote Conversations on Religious Diversity. CA: State University. Retrieved from internet:http://www.csuchico.edu/bridgesnewsletter/archive/fall12/religious.html  

Bible Gateway.Exodus 20:13King James Version. Retrieved from internet: https://www.biblegateway.com  


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